Well, things are going so far so good with my baby brother Josh. He is not 1/2 bad. AND if I may say so, I am the BEST big brother ever. Even though I don't say much, I always manage to say Zosh every chance I get!!
I had a good run with mom in the hospital; my dad and Oma were lots of fun and GREAT to me.
We have even taken him out and about. I have been able to go to the park a couple times in my new wagon and even other places too.
The weather has been off an on, but a couple good days and I got to help dad rake leaves and stuff
Tomorrow is a big test to see if mom can get her act together to see if she can make it to my music class at 9:30 about 15 miles from the house...it should be an interesting trip!
My Grandma came and spent a week with me and it was SOOOO great to have her here. She was such a help to mom and dad and, of course, I loved every minute of it. I have missed her so much. She of course spoiled me and I had serious grandma detox working after she left.
Since then, we have just been trying to figure life out a bit. I am sure there will be very few posts in the future, because Josh and I are really running mom into the ground. Good news is we get a lot of 1 on 1 time with her, because as soon as one of us falls asleep, the other one wakes up and we roll like that all day and sometimes all night! Thanks for checking in and I will get back as soon as I can!!