Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Me and 2 Old Crows!

Someone said there are not any pictures of mom...so here ya go...this was at the pumpkin patch in Comfort. I have been grumpy lately, we think I am teething...not fun for any of us. Mom thinks I have little boy PMS...whatever that is. One minute I am wailing, the next minute I am laughing. Somewhat Sybil-esk. I am hoping this stuff passes quickly...I am not my normal super-happy self.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Quick Recap!

These pictures are small...you can click on them and they will go full screen!!!
So the week with my Grandpa was great. I got to see him every night from Saturday to Wednesday. When mom went to tutor I got to spend the whole evening with Grandma,
Grandpa and daddy. Grandma always comes to play with me on Wednesdays while mommy works...so this week was even a little extra special to have Grandpa too. He was such a fun little guy to be around. He sure does love me a lot, and I love him a LOT too!!! Tuesday I went to Gymboree and Oma came to get some pictures of me in my elephant costume. Here we are playing with the whiffle balls, I sure like those...I might get some for Christmas.
We left on Thursday to go to see Aunt Diane. She is sooooo much fun. We went all around town and she took me to Bass Pro Shops!!! I got to touch some scary animals. My favorite were the lions and the fish...they had some freaky monkeys that I DID NOT LIKE. We also went to a pumpkin patch and Opa and Daddy carved pumpkins for us...we got to roast pumpkin seeds. Here is a picture of Dad doing his Mr. Potato Head pumpkin...it was good...My Opa is a great carver of old...he made one of a running horse. It was cool. Daddy went bow hunting. We saw lots of deer, but did not kill any...which we were all sorta glad about since no one knew really how to dress it out. I was a good boy on the drive, I didn't like the ride home...I yelled a lot, but the way down was super easy because I slept most of the way. I ate at 5:00 am and then we left...the way home, was a different story all together. Well, that is the short version of the past week. To summarize, I had a GREAT time, I am a blessed blessed boy and life and God are so good to me!
Hope everyone has a great day....I am off to gymboree tomorrow...next week mom and I are going to start going to the library with some friends (Gavin, Jack, and maybe Grant and their mommies) and then we will walk around the bike trail. We are all on the same "Walk Across Texas" Team. Moms are trying to get back in shape for us little dudes!!! It is fun to have so many friends my age to play with.
okay, i will post more pics tomorrow...some of them are too big to do all at once...sorry

Home from Comfort!

Wow, what a busy couple of weeks. We have lots of pics of Grandpa and Aunt Diane on the camera that we will upload soon! Just wanted to let everyone know we were home safe and LOVED seeing our loved ones. We have done so much, that it would be hard to put into words, but mom will update pics and details soon after she gets us all unpacked and laundered and I get back on my schedule.
Love you all!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

4 Months Old!

I am growing so much every day. I can do some new tricks, but I am still not caring too much about rolling over. I now like to try and blow bubbles and make "raspberry" noises. It is so hard to believe how much my life has changed in 4 months! It sure has been a fun ride. Today Grandpa comes in from Wisconsin and I am so excited to meet him. Tomorrow will be a HUGE day for me.
My whole family will get to love on me...Oma, Opa, Grandma and Grandpa!!! Lucky me!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lunch with Daddy!!!

I got to go have lunch with my daddy today! It is so much fun to get to see him during the day time. I sat and smiled at him a LOT. I am also getting better with my sippy cup. When I finish with it, I am a soaking mess, but mom thinks it occupies me while we are out and she figures I am bound to swallow some milk that way! My life has been pretty good lately...I am a very happy boy and I love to laugh a lot now. Pretty soon my Grandpa is gonna be here and I will get to play with him. THEN after that, I get to go see my Aunt Diane in Comfort! Daddy is really really excited to show me around Mr. Michaels' wood shop. Other than that, my cousin Abigail's birthday was yesterday and hopefully I will get to see her tonight. She was going to come spend the night with us, but those plans have changed. I will have to settle for a dinner. She is a lot of fun to be around, she sings me fun songs. Hope everyone is doing great and we will be in touch soon!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

chillin out on Sunday

Today is a BEAUTIFUL day. While dad finished up some trim work on the patio (he had a tricky one in this picture), me, mom, and Cheddo hung out outside with him. We had fun. Later today my Aunt Mandy is coming over and we are all going to watch the PACKERS on TV. It is a network game for us because they are playing someone in our conference! After the Packers play, we will most likely watch the Cowboys lose. We are going to cook and chill.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

What a Week!

Holy Cow! What a week I had! It was sooo much fun. My cousin Karyn came in to see me all the way from Colorado. What an awesome lady she is and she is so fun to be around. She taught me lots of things and gave mom and dad some very good tips on how to help me out!! So we picked her up on Monday and went right to lunch with Oma and Aunt Sue. Tuesday we were out and about a bit and hung out. Wednesday we were on the run ALL day long. I did not nap one single bit that day. All in all I was a champ for no naps, but I was TIRED all night long. Karyn and mom ate dinner at Oma and Opa's and Karyn got to visit with Uncle Troy for a while. I didn't get to go. Mom had to tutor, dad was finishing the trim on the patio with Carlos and so my wonderful Grandma came over and played with me. She took me for a walk and then gave me my bath and then I ate a little bit from a bottle and went to bed! For the past few nights I have gone about 9.5 hours at a stretch!!! It sure feels good to wake up refreshed. Thursday we went to lunch with daddy and then stopped off to buy my cousins some Texas paraphernalia and then off to the Airport. One of our most exciting purchases was a new 2 oz bottle and a new 4 oz sippy cup for me! I love that sippy cup. I can hold it in both my hands and pull it to my mouth. It is super easy to eat from, but I get a LOT. Most of my milk ends up going on my shirt, but it seems like it is great practice for me. PLUS, it allows me to get some milk in when mom is not available!
Then, after Karyn left I played with Oma for a bit on Friday. And today....today was pumpkin patch day!! Me and dad went with Mr. Shubert and Blake, who is 5. He is dad's friend from work and they are really cool dudes. So I will try to post some pictures for you.
Hope you all are well.
Miss you lots.

Monday, October 8, 2007

O Boy O Boy!!

my Cousin Karyn comes in today!! Karyn's coming!!! Woooo HOOOO!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Gettting there!

Here is a quick update on the patio cover...we are slowly getting there...today we are getting the plywood down and hopefully will roof it tomorrow. Still a long way out from COMPLETELY done, but it will start to be functional. Still waiting on a quote to stain and seal it. Then we will most likely still need to put rock around the base up a couple feet to finish it off, and decorative trim, perhaps a star....oh, yeah...still have to run electricity and get the fans...so, every spare dime we have will be put into it...not terrible, but with only one income, we are starting to wonder if we are crazy. On another note, all of our allergies have kicked into high gear...wouldn't that be a kicker??? Hopefully after the cedar gets sealed with the stain, we won't all have headaches and sneeze all day!!
The best part of it is looking up from the underside, but don't have a pic of that. We will be enjoying having folks over for a long time to come!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Who said I have tiny ears?

Well, my friend Grant is having a Halloween Party for a bunch of little folks...so I had to get a costume. Hopefully I will be able to attend, Grandpa is coming in town and that is a party unto itself!! So here I am...everyone tells me what tiny ears I have, so we thought it would be funny to say "no I don't!!"
Mom and Dad couldn't stop laughing at me. The costume is too big and REALLY hot, guess the people at Old Navy are from the North. It's 90 here in TX, so we may take it back...but on sale it was too cute to pass up. Of course, Mom had to put me in it right away just to see what it looks like. I see why Dad hates it when she shops for him. I fear many more years of this!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

This Just In Also!

The patio is becoming a big big stressor in the house! So, we are taking it day by day.
I wanted to let you know that I FOUND MY FEET!! I was wearing my new Johnny Sox and saw them right away. Mom will have to get a picture posted, because they are pretty cool socks. I consequently took a break from rolling over to play with my feet...seems odd that they have been here all along. It rained a bunch last night on some of dad's tools (see first sentence) so we were all up at 4:15 drying them off and hauling them into the garage...we even thought about doing it last night early, but we were all so exhausted from the weekend and Dad worked out on the patio all day Monday, that we just plum forgot. And along with that phrase, "plum forgot", here I am looking like a little hillbilly in my overalls and hat!
Sure wish Opa was here to take me fishing!!! Grandma likes to fish too...maybe she will join the ranks of fishers with me!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


In all of the hub bub of yesterday, I forgot to tell you that I ROLLED OVER!!! Only did it once, then mom picked me up and tried again to get it on video...no luck. We'll keep trying and keep you posted. I did roll over a couple weeks ago at Oma's but no one really saw it...just the end. We'd been practicing so we didn't really count that one!
Okay, I am gonna practice some more right now!!!

Lots going on

Sorry it has been so long since we have checked in. LOTS going on and I was tired! Lets see...I really can't remember much from last week, but I know we did a lot. Our last MOM class at the hospital was Friday, so that will kinda be nice to not have to go EVERY week anymore. Daddy started the new patio cover on Friday with Carlos. They worked really hard. Jerry, dad's buddy, came over to help. Saturday am me and mom took Oma, Opa, and Aunt Sue to the airport....they are in New England with their best friends and we hear having a great time. The patio crew was in full force (3 guys) and they worked all day. I was with mom most of the day running around. We watched the Harris kids, Adam and Danielle, while Mr. and Mrs. Harris were in New Orleans taking care of some family stuff. It was fun and made me wish I had some older siblings...they were lots of fun to play with. Sunday we took a patio break, but still got in some Lowe's trips. We played a lot of ping pong and watched some movies. Dad even let me snuggle on the couch and watch a little football for a few minutes while there was a break in all the action at the house.
Yesterday I went with my buddy Grant Van Boven (we are called the Van Something Boys...similar to the Van Buren Boys if you watch Seinfeld) to the Arboretum. It was lots of fun. They have "mommy and me" Mondays and have lots of cool things for kids. I was really too small for much of it, but we got our picture taken by some pumpkins. I also got to SEE some animals at a petting zoo, some goats and chickens, bunny, sheep, horse...your basic mini farm animals. Mom forgot the camera...she was kinda distracted by the construction, i think. She did get a couple of me on her cell phone, but we may go back to get some more with the real cameras and the dads. We'll see...there is a LOT going on this month. My cousin is coming in Monday!!! I am so excited to see her. My Grandpa is coming in at the end of the month, I get to go see Aunt Diane in Comfort after that...BIG MONTH...
I will try to keep you updated as much as possible.
talk to you soon.