Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lots to tell

Hi there! Again, sorry we are so long in getting in touch.
I have been super busy with stuff for the last week or so. So has mom, which is why you haven't heard from us. She actually has 17 kids to tutor between Sunday and Tuesday, so God has been good in providing for us.
Let's see...some highlights:
1) Went to a sculpture garden here in town with my friend Gavin, his mom, and big sister. Was lots of fun, it is here in town and so that was nice. We got out before it was too hot.
2) Play dates with friends at the Wiggly Play Center
3) Gymboree of course.
4) Memorial weekend festivities: got to hang out with Oma and Opa and went to a barbarque at the Matuzs's house.
5) Best news was my daddy took off all week this past week, so we were busy doing things around the house and getting dr.appts out of the way for a while. It was really fun to have him around all the time. We played together a lot. He even got to go to Gymboree with me this week, we had lots of fun together. He's my big buddy.

Sorry there are not any new pictures of me to post...we have been slacking in that area. HOWEVER...on Wednesday we did get a picture of my new baby brother or sister who they say will be here in early early January...of course dad hopes that is December for the tax break!

So, life as we know it is about to change again. We'll keep you posted on both of us!
Have a great weekend.

Monday, May 19, 2008

11 Months Today!

Well, if anyone at all can believe it, I am 11 months old today!
Hardly the shell of the boy at the top of this page! It is CRAZY to think that a year has almost gone by. Every day is a new adventure that I love to go on. I am such a happy kid, mom and dad are REALLY lucky. It is funny when they think back about how stressed out they would be, they didn't know that God had ME planned for them! Mom always says that I am probably the easiest baby in the world to hang out with. So, here are some pictures to let you see how big I am! I am still not walking, but can motor around one handed on almost any object in front of me. I have become quite a good sharer of food with everyone, even Cheddar. Mom is THRILLED that I may have a generous heart like my daddy! I have started to help pick up my toys around the house, and put them in their "bucket"...we are big on bucket storage.
We apologize for the bad hair, I just woke up from a turbo nap. You can tell I slept really hard last night too! But a rested boy is a happy boy; albeit a bit frumpeled, happy!

Here is a picture of me LOVING my new sand/water box from Oma and Opa for my birthday! Thanks for the early gift guys.

Party Party Party

I had such a great time at my friend's parties this weekend. Jackson had a Luau party and here are a bunch of us playing around before the real festivities began. We all got leis and a really cool pail full of summer fun goodies to play with! It was fun to meet all of Jack's family and his big brother Hunter. We even got to catch the 3rd period of the Stars beating the Red Wings! What a day to celebrate!

Next day we went to Carolina's Garden Party. She had a petting zoo with bunnies, piglets, goats, chickens, ducks...you name it...and Story Time and it was a lot of fun. There were so many kids and parents and family there!! We got lots of pictures, but here are a couple of the good ones!

It was lots of fun to get to see my friends so much this weekend. 3 times in 4 days! We are going to miss them if we ever stop Gymboree!!
Thank you to all the mommies who put in so much hard work to show us such a fun time while we celebrated my friends and make us feel so welcome and have so much fun!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Crazy Weekend starts NOW!

I have one of the busiest weekends of my life this weekend. I have 3 birthday parties to go to, my Aunt Diane is in town, mom is working, dad wants to do yard work, the Stars play today...whew, I am worn out thinking about it. So it may be a few days til I check in again.
Here is a picture of me eating my first Chinese meal last night. Mom and Dad even busted out the chopsticks for me! I ate: lettuce wraps, crab wontons, honey seared chicken, brown rice, and of course some carrots and grapes. Not too shabby huh? Thank you Pei Wei!

Hopefully, I can get some fun pictures at the parties. Jackson's is a Luau, Carolina is having live bunnies at her Garden Party, and Aunt Jill's 40th, will probably have too much black to even get a good picture focused with a flash!
Talk to you soon.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Been a long time!

I am so sorry my mom is so lazy and hasn't let me keep you all up to date the past week and a half. We have been so busy and on the go that she claims she is too tired to do it! Whatever. So let me give you a few highlights.
First, last week Daddy took a day off to go to a Roughriders game with me and mom in the middle of the afternoon! It was a stormy gross morning, but it cleared out by game time. My good friend Jack Relle and Mrs. Relle joined us and it was such a great time. I haven't seen Jack in a while and mom LOVED seeing Jenn and so we are going to get together again real soon...going to try to get some pictures of that uploaded because mom forgot the camera. BUT the amazing mom Mrs. Relle took some pics and mom will try and get them up so you can see the great time we had.
A couple days later we went BACK to the ballpark to watch a local radio station play a charity game. It was tons of fun, that ballpark is so fun, but it made me miss my cousins Sydney and Jordy and my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve! They went last time without me! Hopefully we will get to see them soon.
Then Friday I had a wonderful play day with some of my Gymboree friends. WE are in a little group and we all went over to Lily's house for a day of water fun and picnic! It was a great time and I fell asleep in the car before we even turned off the street. Thanks Butlers!!!

This weekend we had some folks over for Aunt Jill's little 40th birthday and of course the Stars vs. Red wing party. That was fun to see them all.
Today mom, ched and I went on a picnic to a park by where mom grew up. I got to feed some ducks and swing and slide on the playground. It was lots of fun.

Then we headed over to Oma's because Aunt Sue is leaving town tomorrow! We are so sad to see her go, but can't wait for her to come back soon! We love you Aunt Sue!

Got a lot going on later this week, so we'll try to be in touch when we can. Mom picked up 3 more tutorees, so we are pretty hectic around here til the end of school!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

This one is from mom!

Hi all!
We just got the proofs from Luke's 10 month/Easter ...albeit late; it needed to green up...picture session!! Rob hasn't even seen them yet, so if you are checking in, you are getting first dibs! I am really happy with them. Shirley was our photographer, whom I can not speak highly enough of! What an amazing lady with such a gift. You are welcome to look at them all. I think we will end up buying the entire CD and if you want a copy of anything, you can let us know!
Here is the site: once there, click "client viewing" and then type in the password "family"...there we will be!
Hope you enjoy them and they give you a bit of a glimpse into how blessed we feel by this little guy!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Stuff do eat and do!

Hello, hope everyone had as great of a week as I did. I have been very busy trying to walk everywhere. I have outgrown all my old habits and am working on new ones! This week I have really started to "get it" with a lot of stuff. I can open containers, and but the lid back on. I can share treats with Cheddar and distinguish hers from mine. Only a couple times do I try to sneak bites of hers!!! Those little gingerbread looking guys look so cute!
I have been exploring like crazy. I am super good at giving kisses to everyone, even Ched...which might not be so great to many of you. A couple days ago, I got to eat my first artichoke, it was pretty fun to eat. Mom and dad were SHOCKED that I was watching them bite those leaves and didn't even need them to tell me how to do it. Here I am enjoying the new vitamin C packed kooky food:

I also played with my mega blocks for the first time yesterday. Mom showed me how to put them together and I figured it out rather quickly. I am not 100% great at it, but I had fun when they stuck together. Dad is sure looking forward to building some great lego stuff with me in the future. When I got a bit tired of all that fine dexterity stuff, I was happy as a clam sitting on my drum and digging through the mega blocks container to see what I could find!

We apologize for the sloppy/snotty face, apparently I am working on some more teeth as well. Mom sure liked those couple of weeks of drool free clothes and no bibs! No mas, mama.
There is a whole world out there that I can't wait to dig into!!!