Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick Break in the Chaos!

Things have been going awfully fast around here lately! Dad is working like a fiend, we are trying to get my new room ready for me, mom is planning a halloween party for my friends and I am just trying to keep up!'
I got another hair cut on Friday with mom. I was a great boy and since the weather was so nice, and she is fat and pregnant, she took me to the Shops of Legacy and got me an ice cream and we walked around the fountain for a while.

That night we went to Oma and Opa's for dinner. The next day we took the bed dad made to their house for storage and took their old bed to the dump. Dad slept in some because he was super tired from so much work and so I got to eat some snacks and play playdough while waiting for him to get up.

Mom was busy making dinner the other night and when she turned around this is what she found!!! Apparently I am a BIG fan of sequencing things...I do it all the time now. I stack things in decreasing and ascending order by size...who knew lids could be so orderly!

I also got to help dad on my room some, I think mom erased all the really good photos, but here is one that should give you some ideas of the colors we picked out.

There is of course more, but I can't find those pictures right now...so it will have to wait!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ups and Downs

This was a busy weekend for us. We are still trying to frantically sort through baby stuff and my stuff and organize for my brother. This weekend we got new bedding for my new room, bought paint and trim work for the room and took down the guest bed. Dad also put my new little IKEA table and chairs together and I have been loving it.

This week we are hoping to paint the trim and maybe even get my new furniture put together...now that we know we won't have any over night guests anymore, and the main goal is to get my room ready by the first of November so I can adjust a bit to the newness of it all before my brother comes!
Monday morning after I played with my new table and chair set for a bit we took Ched for her walk like always. We came in the front and I must have tripped myself on my own jammies because I biffed it pretty hard on the aggregate concrete. I am pretty dang tough, I only cried for like 30 seconds...but here is the end result of that.

We all agree that I am pretty lucky to have gone 16 months without any major facial collisions. It is really already looking much better!
This morning I went to my church music class and then this afternoon mom and I went to a local free pumpkin patch. We had a pretty good time. We were going to meet Mrs. Rogers and Grant, but his nap wasn't quite working out, so we went just the two of us. I got a tiny kooky looking pumpkin that I picked out on my own (I also forgot to tell you that I PICKED OUT MY NEW BEDDING) and mom got a nicely shaped one for dad to carve with me. I think she just really wanted to get one to get the seeds out to roast! They had a Hay Maze that I got to run through and I did pretty darn good. I enjoyed running around from pumpkin to pumpkin trying to pick them all up. So here are a few shots of the afternoon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just found it!

Mom has been looking for this picture for weeks now! She finally just found it. My cousin Syndey took it and she is VERY talented...plus, we think she had a pretty good subject!
No wonder mom called me her little punkin!!!

Ball park Pumpkin Patch

Saturday was another beautiful day. We went out to the Dr. Pepper Ball Park for their free pumpkin patch. It was a tad bit over-rated, but we still had fun. One of Dad's friends from work and his family came to meet us there, but we missed out and seeing Jack and his family. I had a big time of it all. We actually pulled off a true "Mom" scam. We were supposed to pay 1.00 to buy a pumpkin to get down on the field, but the line was WAY too long for a pumpkin when there are some perfectly good ones at the grocery store! :0)
Well, we didn't know that you could only get on the field with a ticket...until Mom asked if we could go down there. So we decided it would be a waste (because I wasn't going to sit and get my face painted or anything else there because it was kinda for older kids), so we sent the dads with us down to the field to just play dumb. Well, Mom and Adia's mom thought the dads pulled off a great heist as they walked on the field until the ticket lady told them "well, the guys said you had the tickets". SO anyway, the lady was really nice and let us run around on the field after we assured her we had no intention of taking a pumpkin off the field. SO here are a few shots to thank that nice lady for the GREAT time I ended up having...so much so that I fell asleep by the time I got home (it is less than a 5 minute drive!!) So, Thanks pumpkin lady! I had a good time.

Dad trying to slow me down long enough to get me to look at the camera...I think I want to play baseball now...the grass is great out there!

Me with Daisy, one of the mascots

Me trying to pick up a pumpkin.
Then Adia and her family came to play for a bit (while I took a nap) in our own little bounce house. We ended up going out to eat that evening using my free meal at La Hacienda Ranch. I earned my free meal from my library book reading log this summer. SO that was a FUN day that ended up with no one cleaning the kitchen!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Pretty Days

I had a good week this week...AFTER we got the car window fixed. I got to go to a cool park with my friend Lilly and her mom, went to gymboree, and my Uncle Steve came in town and I got to play with him!It was such a whirlwind visit as they loaded up Grandma's truck to drive up North that we didn't even get any pictures. So that stinks. Yesterday, me and mom went to Firewheel Mall and played with Mrs. Daniel and Thorne. It was a really fun time. We haven't seen them in a while, so it was fun to catch up! They have this tiny little playground area with a toy boat, train and bouncy deal. I liked it all, but I really liked exploring down by the river and fountain. I even got a toe in before mom could stop me the rest of the way.

Most of the other times, I just go out on long walks with Mom and Ched...I LOVE THAT! Oma even went with us the other day, and that was way fun. Today we are headed out to the Roughrider Stadium for a pumpkin patch and carnival thing. Hopefully we will get to meet up with my friends Jack and Grant and get some pictures for ya!
Have a good day and a great weekend!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't know if we are coming or going!

Well, it was a crazy week trying to catch up with life. Dad was back in the swing of work and tutoring and me and mom were just trying to keep up with him. Friday I woke up real snotty and we think I am back to the teething grind...either that or I am catching ANOTHER small cold. Seems like it is teething though since I am inconsolable on some things lately. In the mornings, I like to sit on moms bed and snack on some cherios...lately, since I have been getting up super early, she has let me watch TV. Of course, my trusted friend is always by my side!

I am still sleeping well at night, so mom and dad aren't complaining too much. Dad had a playoff game Friday, then again Sunday and again tonight. I had a birthday party to go to on Saturday, then I helped dad wash his new bike

then mom and dad went out to dinner to catch up with each other!! Sunday we went to Oma and Opa's for dinner and Grandma came...it was sorta a going away lunch with the whole family in town. So we have been non-stop. Today dad worked from home and I got to see him a bit more than usual...which was a lot of fun. God is good to keep him close on days like today. We did get to pick up a couple things from IKEA for me. I got a table and chairs that I can do artsy stuff on and eat lunch at too. It was super cheap, but mom and dad figure I won't take great care of it anyway...nor will my brother in all likelihood. However, it was necessary because I am quite the climbing monkey lately and try to climb up to the table on the high chairs. Mom seems to think if I have my own table and my own space, I may not try to reach new heights...she is probably clueless...but convinced it is going to help. For 25.00 she is willing to be wrong! We also got a storage cubbie bench type deal for the mud room to help organize it. We are rearranging the playroom upstairs and trying to get organized for a bit before my brother comes along.
After that, mom and I went to the Plano library to pick up a toddler art book she put on hold for me to do more stuff when we are stuck close to home with my brother. On the way home, we were driving and it sounded like our car got hit by a brick and instantly the window shattered. We were very glad that dad was right up the road to come pick me and Cheddar up so mom could talk to the police. It was a crazy day...then mom, dad, and Cheddar all found themselves being attacked by fire ants at the same time...Ched got the worst of it all, but we all came home and doped up on Benedryl! I came out completely unscathed which we were all VERY thankful for.
Here is what her car window looks like now...it is really quite funny to watch my fat full on pregnant mom climb in and out of the passenger side of the car because if she TOUCHES that driver door, the whole window will fall out!!! She doesn't find it amusing, but I laughed at her!