Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Red Letter day!

My Opa is in the hospital, but is supposed to come home today. It was a fun day (I actually have had LOTS of fun days since I last checked in, Josh's site has some pics)...I WENT POOP ON THE BIG POTTY this morning, so the day is one to certainly celebrate! Mom and Mrs. Van Boven took all us Van Something boys to the Frisco Fire Safety Town where we got a personal tour, got to play in the fire truck, AND we got to walk around the Safety Town and learn how to use a crosswalk, and other things...then i got to go to BABES for lunch and there is talk of an ice cream sundae later...so we shall see. Hopefully I will be able to check in more often now that me and Josh are sleeping at a regular schedule during the day.
Check out his site, he is a cute little booger. He is truly one of my buddies now that he can sit up and crawl. I love to wake him up in the mornings, i love to hug him, I love to play cars with him and I am currently trying to teach him to play golf. Which is truly the blind leading the blind...get used to it mom!

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