Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Early Mornings of late

Lately, I have been waking up very early and have shifted back to 2 naps a day because of it. SOOO...it is getting a bit frustrating for everyone trying to keep up with my schedule. Yesterday, Dad went into work much later than normal...he woke up at 6:30 instead of 4:30 because of a late hockey game. Well, to keep me busy and out of the way mom gave me some Cherios and let me sit on the ottoman. Obviously, I had to share my bounty with my buddy...so here we are eating a snack before breakfast while mom made lunch and coffee for dad. If you look closely, you can see the cut on my first fat lip. I biffed it on the dog bed and went face first into the pack n play while holding a bunch of toys.

Another one of my favorite weekend morning activities is getting up with dad and helping him grind coffee beans for the week. This has translated into me helping mom blend up smoothies and I am now the first mate of all things grinding and chopping. I even did the carrots and snap peas for dinner the other night in the food processor. I love gadgets and machines like dad!

Tomorrow I get to go on an adventure with Dad. We are going to a pet store in Plano...so maybe we can get some photos. I do love to burn some segments (especially on rainy days) at the pet store...so it should be fun.

1 comment:

Griffin said...

Are either of them awake? :0 Really cute pic!
~Aunt Jill