Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Not a fan yet!!

So, let me tell you about these girls first!!! Mom has been looking for this picture for a LONG time now!! These are my new buddies Greer and Casey!!! They are some of Mom and Dad's FAVORITES. They came over to see me right after I got home from the hospital...look how little I am! They will say they hate this picture, but Mom really likes it. Mom taught Greer last year and when she was in 9th grade and Casey was our favorite tutoree and we have known her for 2 years already!!! The girls brought me so many gifts, I am so lucky. My favorites are my bath toys, Baby Einstein CD (funny because of mom and dad tutoring science...), and the BIB that says how cute my Dad is!!! Greer is in Spain all summer and Casey is doing lots of traveling too. I can't wait to see them at the end of the summer to show them all the cool things I can do now...well, I can't do a LOT of cool things NOW, but by the time they get home I will!!

Anyway, Mom got that sling yesterday. Not the one she wanted, but the one the lady said was better...I don't really like it at all. I was asleep when they put me in it at first and I liked it at the store, but since I have been home, I scream a LOT while i am in it. Either Mom stinks at it and can't fit me right OR I just don't like being trapped by her. We are going to try it again this weekend and if its not better, maybe they will take it back and try the original one we wanted. It is one of those "ring slings". Mom thinks she looks like a hemp-loving hippie. The lady tried to tell her that extra material was "elegant", mom just thinks it is gonna get caught on fire by the stove or sucked up in the vacuum...Mom isn't all that "elegant!!!" So we will keep you posted.

Dad played hockey til late last night. Got home and he snuggled with me while mom was sleeping...Ha ha!!! Now I can have time with both of them and they won't even know it.
It was fun, if only Dad had the milk, I'd hang with him all the time...I like looking at him better than mom.

Have a great day.

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