Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Weather Outside is Frightful

I officially don't like this weather. Mainly because my mother bundles me up with too many clothes! So much so that my most recent trip to Costco had me in babylegs, jeans, onsie and a new sweater Oma bought me. Well YESTERDAY it was 36, TODAY it was 56. Someone forgot to let her in on that. I puked in Costco, it was too dang hot...oh, did I mention I had a hat on too??? Praise God she did NOT put me in a coat on top of it all! Anyway, Here I am with Santa.

Tomorrow Mom and Dad are going out so I get to chill with Oma and Opa! Should be fun times. As you can see, I am still VERY into checking EVERYTHING out. Those leaves don't taste half bad either, if you are wondering.

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