Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Playing in the sun!

Well, summer has officially arrived here in Texas! We have had some super hot days lately. I have certainly kept as busy as my mom can go...but she is pretty slow these days because of the new baby sucking her energy! So, that is why you haven't heard from me much. See, now it so happens, when I nap, so does mom...or at least she tries to when she is not trying to do something around the house that I refuse to let her do while she is chasing me 90 to nothin all day!
Lets see...I am NOT officially walking, but I get around pretty good. I take about 5-8 steps and then I think that I can go faster crawling. I get braver every day and my balance is good enough that I can stop, turn around, and go in another direction. Mom thinks I have her lazy tendencies which should prove to be quite a frustration for Dad in the future. Here is mom's favorite picture of late of me and dad.

My grandma bought me a deluxe pool for my birthday and since it has been so hot, we busted it out early! Last weekend I had my good friend Grant Rogers over for a cook out and swim party. He is also going to have a baby brother or sister 2 weeks before me, so we are probably going to co-miserate a lot in the future. He's a lot bigger than me, but we had a good time.

Then on Tuesday I had a couple of my Gymboree buddies over for a swim party. Not many people showed up and mom was okay with that. She wasn't too sure how many of us could safely fit in that pool. So as it turned out, we had a good time with Natalie and Thorne. They were a little more interested in Oma's sand box than the pool and that was fine by me...I just took the whole thing for myself and had a hey day!

Then on Thursday, we went to meet Grant Van Boven and his mom and some of her friends for lunch at the Purple Cow. It was lots of fun to see them again. We were amazed at how big we were...not babies any more, just two little boys hanging out at a burger joint! We had so much fun that we missed my Gymboree class. So mom and I went to run some errands and then to Oma's for a bit to help clean out her closet.
THEN...Thursday night my neighbor Mr. Schwarz came over to show us his new bounce house he bought!! He owns Jump for Joy and I love to look over the fence at the fun stuff over there. I was already in bed, so he left it over night so I could play in the morning! It was WAY WAY fun. My cousin John came over at 7:45 to show me the ropes, then Jack and Jackson came over later in the morning. I should have slept like a champ, but no. Instead I took a mere 3 20 minute naps! SO ha ha...fun times.

Today was Father's day and I just want to let everyone know how much I love my DADDY!!! He is my best buddy. We went to Oma and Opas with Grandma, Aunt Brittany, and Uncle Troy, Aunt Celie and all my cousins! They got a new puppy that is 1/2 Vizsla like Cheddar. So I got to see that little guy too. It was a LONG day with just a short short car ride nap. I am hoping to sleep in and catch up.

Tomorrow I start my music camp for the week and Thursday is my birthday. Hopefully mom will have her act together to update by then!
Have a great Father's Day!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Your new pool looks like so much fun! You have the best Grandma ever! I'm sorry we didn't get to play in your bounce house. I have been lazy in the email department and didn't check it soon enough.