Well, we didn't know that you could only get on the field with a ticket...until Mom asked if we could go down there. So we decided it would be a waste (because I wasn't going to sit and get my face painted or anything else there because it was kinda for older kids), so we sent the dads with us down to the field to just play dumb. Well, Mom and Adia's mom thought the dads pulled off a great heist as they walked on the field until the ticket lady told them "well, the guys said you had the tickets". SO anyway, the lady was really nice and let us run around on the field after we assured her we had no intention of taking a pumpkin off the field. SO here are a few shots to thank that nice lady for the GREAT time I ended up having...so much so that I fell asleep by the time I got home (it is less than a 5 minute drive!!) So, Thanks pumpkin lady! I had a good time.
Dad trying to slow me down long enough to get me to look at the camera...I think I want to play baseball now...the grass is great out there!
Me with Daisy, one of the mascots
Me trying to pick up a pumpkin.
Then Adia and her family came to play for a bit (while I took a nap) in our own little bounce house. We ended up going out to eat that evening using my free meal at La Hacienda Ranch. I earned my free meal from my library book reading log this summer. SO that was a FUN day that ended up with no one cleaning the kitchen!!!
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