Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day at the Museam

Well, things have been busy as always. I have gotten to go to play with some friends and then Tuesday we all loaded up and went to the DMA for the day. The first Tuesday of every month is free and they have some kid things going on from 11 - 2. We got a later start than planned, but ended up having a great time as a family and a well needed break from the stress! I had a great time getting to spend the day with Dad, and that is the best thing ever! He has been doing a LOT of tutoring and has picked up another student. So that is actually a pretty good deal. The only bum part of that is that I don't get to spend as much time as I normally get to with him in the evenings. It really does seem like dad is busier now than when he had a job!! He is going 90 to nothing, which is no surprise to anyone who knows him. Hopefully we can get into a decent routine before too long and once this physics project is due!!

Other than that, mom has been desperately trying to keep me occupied and out of his way...sometimes with great success and sometimes with very little success. I have even conned her into letting me eat standing up at the counter while I am "helping" her cook dinner. Here is one example of a day that we were punting to keep me out of dad's way.

we also went to lunch with the Rogers' one more time before both the babies get here and there was some leftover "snow" at Frisco Square that dad taught me how to play in.

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