That was on Wednesday and the week was just getting geared up for new stuff! I am officially MOBILE! Dad thinks I am crawling, but it is really just like an army guy crawl. I am starting to get the hang of it and really pull with my arms, but I am not on all fours moving yet! BUT I do manage to scale the room rather quickly now. Today (on a side note) they bought me "my office" where I am to be headquartered during times of mild supervision. Some of you may call it a cage, but it is where I will be conducting my business of play, so please remember, it is my OFFICE. You can call me on my new toy phone to discuss it.
I also got to go visit Oma's best friend Gran and her husband Rick for a while after Gymboree Thursday. They were so much fun. I have pics, but mom has temporarily misplaced that soon as it is recovered, you will see how great they are!
We were so cooped up all week with the bad weather that we invited some friends over Friday to play. IT WAS SO FUN! We decided we want to do that a LOT more. We had a totally of 8 mommies and 8 kids. They are my friends from Gymboree, MOM class, and the Van Bovens came too!! Folks came and went and it was a lot of good times. You can tell we all had fun. Mom did a before and after shot of the room, but it is not worth showing, you can imagine the fun we had. We all decided that we owe a ton of our fun to the Post Family and in particular Parker for sharing all her amazing toys with me so that I can share them with other kids too! Thanks Posts!
Saturday was busy, not sure with what. Got to see Aunt Diane for breakfast and we ran errands for the rest of the day. I was so tired I fell asleep at the dinner table. Mom said I looked like her in her 8:00 am classes at college!
Today, the weather was nice and the SUN WAS our poor puppy needed a run. She went to the dr. on Saturday and was officially dubbed, "almost too heavy" we are gonna get back in the saddle on exercising. PLUS my dad bought me a new jogging stroller that we are ready to try out. BUT I digress...we took Ched out for a stroll and I got to swing on the playground down the street.
Then later that afternoon we went to walk around the Shops at Legacy for a stroll around the fountain. We decided it was still a little too cold for an ice cream, but found lots of places we wanted to try out. Dad was interested in Taco Diner...I told him I go there a lot when we go see Mrs. King and Canaan and Colten.
WELL it was a long weekend and a long week. I am going to try a new music class this week on Wednesdays maybe, so that will be a lot of fun. It is with Mrs. Fenn and Natalie, they came over Friday. I'll let you know how and if that goes.
Have a great day!!!