Hi guys! Hope everyone is doing well! We had a busy weekend. Daddy still tried to get some work done, so he worked Saturday morning, then I got to go to meet him at Costco. OH WAIT...back up...Friday Aunt Diane drove in from Comfort to have birthday dinner for mom, so I got to hang out with her a bit on Friday after Gymboree; which was lots of fun. Friday night during bathtime we got some funny pictures. They tell me that Easter is coming soon and while we are thrilled to have access to eternal life with Jesus, apparently a bunny is a big player too. So I guess here I am getting ready to meet that bunny. I really am getting prepared to meet Jesus too!
And then just me splashing in the tub.
Back to Saturday....I came home with Dad and Mom went to get her hair colored, her roots were pretty PWT. MUCH better now! Then we all went to Oma and Opa's house for birthday dinner for mom...apparently the food was WONDERFUL, I got stuck with sweet potato puffs. Sunday some of Dad's friends from the pit crew were in town and came to watch the race. It was ultimately canceled and that meant that everyone could play with me undisturbed. It was a lot of fun. Lets see...mom tutored Sunday for a bit, Dad taught me how to play Guitar Hero, Dad was Super Dad this weekend. He did it all from laundry, work, cook ribs, play with me....he's pretty amazing. PLUS, he even took mom's sling for a test drive...verdict is still out, but it was much easier for him to keep track of me and play Guitar Hero with me in there! :0)
Today me and Mom went to Arbor Hills and walked the trail! Mrs. Daniel and Thorne met us up there. We had fun. Thorne's daddy came home early and they went bike riding and me, mom, and Ched went jogging for a bit longer.
Here is my current state of affairs....think I had a good weekend???
I missed my buddy Grant Van Boven's birthday party, he's 1 now. BUT apparently he was not feeling great and so it has been rescheduled for NEXT weekend. Should have lots to update after that....those Van Bovens are great fun.