Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Day for New Stuff!

Well, yesterday I FINALLY got to meet some of mommy's old friends that she used to teach with. Well, actually I knew most of them already, but I did get to check out her old stomping grounds and meet some pretty cool big (and I mean BIG) kids that she really liked. Today, mom tried making my first round of baby food beyond just mashing up bananas, pears and avacados. She made me some baked apples and some sweet potatoes. I am looking forward to those, I hear I will like them. I like everything so far, so I am sure this will just be added to the list! Oma is going to be the first to try it out tonight. Mom and Dad are going on a "date"; whatever that is.
Along with the new food, I am going to try a new Gymboree class today. I am going to check out the level 2 class that comes up in January to see if I like it or not. I think I might, so that might be my Christmas present this year...the gift that I get to enjoy every week.
Here is yesterday's final wardrobe decision, for those who were dying to know how it all shook out. BUT, what you can't see is my BLUE onsie (closest to my heart) underneath my Packer onsie. For all those curious still, the showdown wasn't really "official" because our boy Brett didn't get to finish the game...so, much like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may NEVER know!

Have a great weekend!

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