Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Big Day with Dad!

Today was a LONG day. I got up super early because my almost teeth were hurting me. Then, before we knew it, it was time to head out to the Fire Station with Dad. Mr. Rogers and Grant and Mr. Maguire and Cole went too so that was fun to have some buddies with us. Here are a couple shots of me and the big rigs. I am standing at the wheels looking at myself and sitting on the front of a couple vehicles.

I also got to mess with their boots and helmets and be a ride along while Grant "drove" the ambulance.

My Opa gave me this Stars helmet...ISN'T it cool??? It is just a tad bit too small for me, but I sure wanted it to go on!!

After the big day at the Station we went out to lunch at Scotty P's. Mom and Mrs. Rogers came to join us. I started getting real upset because of my teeth. Since we forgot to bring anything to help me out...me and mom took off early. I was to come home and take a nap...but I just talked and played in my crib for while instead of sleep!!
Then, after that Mrs. Mogan and Bailey came over to play for a while. Bailey's dad is out of town and so they had the afternoon free. It was lots of fun to see her...we are both pretty different from our early mall walking days. She was a LOT of fun to play with. She's really fast at crawling and using the push toys.

As you can probably see, it was a BIG day. I was so tired. And tomorrow is my cousin's baptism and birthday party and another birthday party...should be another long one. I hope mom and dad go to bed early tonight so they aren't crabby for tomorrow!!!
See how much fun my Daddy is!!!

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