Our Newest Family Member!

Our Newest Family Member!
Here is our new guy!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Woe is MonoChomp

How to pass the time while you are puny with a fever? WELL, you lay on your mom a lot and just chill out most of the time. But, I did manage to read a couple books to Cheddar. She is good to be around sick, she just lays right by you and puts her head on your legs. She's a good dog and buddy to have around.

I also checked out my swing again, which I have not done in MONTHS...on account of being so big and all. Well, mom put me in for a bit and I quite enjoyed myself. I sat and hummed along to the music playing and looked at my book from my cousin Nathan about football guys and read it to Waddles my duck who was cold out of the freezer to cool me off. Not a bad gig, but you can tell I don't feel great.

Finally, here I am at dinner last night. I was feeling a bit better and practicing my new face. I make this Popeye looking face that cracks mom and dad up. I just started it and maybe I am trying to figure out what that thing on the bottom of my mouth is.
Anyway... you can see the MonoChomp pretty good here. Just click on the picture and you will see it up close!

I sure hope I feel better tomorrow so I can go to the Fire Station with Dad. I had to miss Cole's birthday party last night on account of the darn fever!! I hope they had fun...lucky duck got snow on his birthday. That'll never happen for me!

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