Well, here I am again at the hockey rink! Dad had an early game again and I am starting to feel like a rink rat. My Aunt Sue is holding me, she sure is fun and I am so glad she is here visiting. I hope I get to see her lots more. I am going to see her later this week too!!! She is my Oma's big sister!
Well, Dad won his game and made an assist. But best of all, he did not spend as much time in that box! Still hung out there for a while, but not nearly as much as last time. So, maybe his is not really Angry Rob, but Slightly Irritated Rob now!!!
Well, Cheddar is as good as new, except that we think she laid in an ant pile while mom and dad mowed the lawn yesterday. I see why mom and dad call her Trainwreck! My Grandma is doing much better, but her puppy is really sick. He broke his back and is not able to get around much. He is such a good little doggie, it is sad to see him so hurt. I think Dad and Grandma are going to the doctor again today with him. He is Grandma's buddy, so she is really sad. Keep her in your prayers.
Other than that, not too much else going on. I went to a pool party all day Saturday and I am really looking forward to being big enough to get in that great big bathtub like the other kids. They keep telling me I have to wait until next summer, because i am too small for the chemicals. Dad is looking into swim lessons as soon as I am big enough!
Yesterday we went to Oma and Opa's for lunch. It was good food...of course, i didn't get to eat with everyone, i had to take mine to go and eat it hours later. Opa is a great cook, he can even make carrots good. I got to see my Uncle Troy for the first time since he came to see me at the hospital and his whole family. I sure have a lot of cousins. It was a very busy day. I slept very good last night again, so that must be a good thing for mom and dad.
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