Her first thing was to make me take a dang bottle, that I told everyone I didn't want. She has some bribery system set up. I take the bottle now, but I am on to her scam. She is also regulating my sleep. That is not so bad, but when I wake up she makes sure I am up and calm by putting me in that jogging stroller. My dog pulls me pretty fast, but by the 1/2 way point I start to sleep again!!! HA HA.
My Grandma made it home from Wisconsin and brought us some fun stuff. Mostly, I enjoyed the pictures of my cousins Syndey and Jordyn and Aunt Lisa, Uncle Steve, Uncle Rick and Aunt Sandy. Syd is a great photographer and I can't wait for her to come see me so I can have a photo shoot with her!!!
In my pictures today I am wrapped up snuggly in my new afghan that my Great Aunt Pansy sent back to me that she MADE!! It is so cozy, I love it.
Also for those still scoring at home, the sling has made a run for the lead!! Here I am in the sling. I know it doesn't LOOK comfy, but it isn't too bad. Mom can at least vacuum with me in there and I usually sleep after I puke on her!!! (did I mention that me and mom are probably gonna butt heads for the next few years....I gotta get in my licks now!!! )
Have a great day, I am going to meet some new friends for lunch today. Canaan, Colton, Charlie and Kate! Mom is meeting her good friends Keri and Megan....we should be a crew...poor wait staff. Table for 8, no we just need 3 chairs, please!!!!
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